#pettherapy Archives - ecm design http://www.ecm-design.com/tag/pettherapy/ Results by design Wed, 21 Jan 2015 14:56:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://www.ecm-design.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/cropped-favicon-185x185.png #pettherapy Archives - ecm design http://www.ecm-design.com/tag/pettherapy/ 32 32 ecm’s Director of Stress Management http://www.ecm-design.com/ecms-director-of-stress-management/ Tue, 27 May 2014 19:54:00 +0000 http://www.ecm-design.com/?p=341 On May 19th, we welcomed a new member to the ecm team. Mia, a 4 year old lab/boxer mix, adopted by Beth & David from the NHSPCA in Stratham. Beth, in particular, was getting the doggie itch over the past year. Both Beth and Dave are avid animal lovers and they were ready to find a […]

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On May 19th, we welcomed a new member to the ecm team. Mia, a 4 year old lab/boxer mix, adopted by Beth & David from the NHSPCA in Stratham.

Beth, in particular, was getting the doggie itch over the past year. Both Beth and Dave are avid animal lovers and they were ready to find a dog that would help fill the holes left by their previous dogs Kelsea and Dreyfus, who were with them for over 17 years.  Since then, Beth has been getting her doggie lovin’ over the past few years from many of the canine companions of ecm clients: Bosco, Kai, Baxter, Patch, Eliza, Sophie and Lucy.

However, her goal was to have a new dog by her next birthday, which is in the month of May.

On May 17th, Beth and Dave headed to the NHSPCA to check out the animal inventory and to, at the very least, fill out an adoption application. A cat-friendly dog was top priority (Bryce and Grayce already live at home) as was a medium to large sized dog that would not require frequent grooming, Beth isn’t a believer of a dog getting more grooming than her. The shelter was very busy but Beth quickly focused in on a medium sized female recently transferred from an Indiana shelter. So the story goes….

Mia is a sweet little girl just looking for some attention. Attention is what she is getting at ecm. From the ecm staff to the downtown community, Mia already has made quite a few friends.  If you aren’t a dog lover, no worries, Mia is gated off. She spends most of her day in the back office with Beth, curled up in her bed, but occasionally she’ll venture out to greet customers and see what’s going on in the rest of the office. Her rounds, if you will. Mia has certainly given the staff more reasons to smile. She is very well behaved and mellow.  Well, that is until Beth leaves the office and then she gets a little nervous. Definitely a slight case of separation anxiety for this little girl.

Mia is taking her position as Director of Stress Management extremely seriously. Already, it seems that the air is a bit lighter.  If her first week’s performance is any indication, she is definitely going to excel here at ecm.  Feel free to stop by and welcome her to the team.

The post ecm’s Director of Stress Management appeared first on ecm design.
